
"Broken Guitar"

In the corner of a three story house there sat a broken guitar...to all eyes it appeared to be of no use. Some would say it was just taking up valuable space, others would walk on by not giving it a second thought.
There was one, though, who never hesitated to pick up this forgotten instrument. To him it was a unique instrument awaiting the touch of one who had the skill to play. While all others only saw a 'broken guitar' he saw its potential, he played it skillfuly hearing the strange, beautiful sounds resonate from inside.
Two different pairs of eyes:
One pair of eyes looked through pre-concieved glasses, judging from the outward appearance, expecting the worst.
The second pair of eyes peered through fastly different glasses, seeing what no one else could see, expecing the best.

(Inspired by my twin brother, Dan)

1 comment:

Yo, la anotadora said...

Somos valoradas. :)