
come and SEE!!!

Vision- What do you see when you walk in a room? What do you see when you look at the sky? When a bird chirps, do you look for it? When sunlight hits your eyes do you block it out? When darkness falls do you look up to the lights in the sky?
Vision- Is what people have called your future...how do you see your tomorrow? My question is not how do you see your tomorrow, but how do you see your today?
Leaning against an empty booth, watching the people come in and out.... in and out...a young girl stared wide eyed wondering how many more people could fit into that already crowded store. The word had gotten out, daughters calling mothers, mothers calling daughters, brothers calling sisters, friends calling friends. Their is a a big sale come and SEE! come and SEE! come and SEE what?.... a sale...some clothes, some shoes, some socks, maybe a belt...
An echo is heard far far in the distance...............
Leaning against an empty booth, stopping her world to hear a faint echo from another world...an echo few hear, few take the time to stop and listen....listen...can you hear it?
Where is this echo coming from? Its not coming from the crowd, no its coming from a far away land, its resonating over and over.....come and SEE! come and SEE!....come and SEE what?........a child wrapped in swadling clothes, lying in a manger....a Savior who is Christ the Lord.....Yes!! Yes!! that is the echo being heard! Throughout eternity this echo can not be stopped, it resonated before it became reality and will continue to penetrate the reality of tomorrow colliding with a second echo...an echo of promise, an echo of hope, an echo of love, an echo of VISION...."why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven." Acts 1:10
What is Your VISION? Where is your gaze?
"Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." Col 3:2........

The echo was once again heard in a small village in El Salvador as I watched my children perform a Christmas play that we had been practicing for two months now!! Two other teachers and I were very proud of each child. They were excellent at each part: Joseph, Mary, sheep, donkey, angels, shepherds and four other main characters who we added to help tell the most AMAZING STORY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write so beautiful!! Your my echo!